Squat w Wroclawiu

Informacja o squacie we Wroclawiu: Rejon69 (po angielsku)
Squat the world, even in Wroclaw

Hello from Rejon69 Squat-crew.

We are kolektiv of 11 people cats dogs and friends.we livs in Wroclaw-city in the south-west part of Poland. We have a small a big garden and… Now we hawe a big problem. We will be evicted on the end of februery.This is for us a big shit bycouse we like our place verry well.But we have non choise.Wewont to squat new place and we need a lot of paints and tools-this place is in the center of the city and we want to make directly aktion. But we are afraid of the naighbours in this area-this is the rison why we wont to paint our new hous so quickly.

We thinks-we can have more problems if we do the action in the secret. Our idea is – if you like to help us and if you go on 24-27 of february to Berlin to the festival 10 yers of Kopi you can bring with you tis stuff for us and we take it from there later to Poland.

Thanx + @ + see you anywhere if you like maybe in our uew place. Come to visit us!

Remek-one new (black) sheep in the Rejon69 farm.

From: akibarakudarem [at] poczta [dot] fm
